Home Myrtle Beach News US 17 Improvements Myrtle Beach: SCDOT will hold public meeting March 20

US 17 Improvements Myrtle Beach: SCDOT will hold public meeting March 20

SCDOT has scheduled an informal public information session on Thursday, March 20 to discuss a planned highway safety enhancement initiative along two sections of US 17 (Kings Highway) in Myrtle Beach.

Key Highlights of US 17 Improvements

The US 17 Improvements from Pinehurst Circle to McCorsley Avenue in North Myrtle Beach and 20th Avenue South to 8th Avenue North meeting will be held from 5 to 7 p.m. on Thursday, March 20, 2025 at Ocean Drive Elementary School, 901 11th Avenue North, North Myrtle Beach, SC 29582.

US 17 Improvements

SCDOT representatives will be available at the meeting to discuss the proposed US 17 Improvements project with members of the community. There will be no formal presentation.
SCDOT will accept public comments on this proposed project from March 5 to April 4, 2025. Visit the project website for additional information. For more information about this and other proposed SCDOT projects, please visit our public involvement meeting webpage.

About SCDOTThe South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT) is the state agency with oversight of South Carolina’s network of highways and bridges, including responsibilities such as planning, design, construction, financing, and roadway safety. To ensure the nation’s fourth-largest highway system is prepared to serve the needs of South Carolina’s growing economy and population, SCDOT has developed a Strategic 10-Year Plan that addresses improvements to the state’s highway and bridge systems. Learn more at scdot.org

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