Home Myrtle Beach News Myrtle Beach The Brand series tells a 125 year compelling, unfiltered historical...

Myrtle Beach The Brand series tells a 125 year compelling, unfiltered historical narrative

MyrtleBeachSC News will be doing a deep dive into Myrtle Beach The Brand.

If you have a fondness for a blend of history, capitalism, culture, the counter culture, and the captivating story of influential families, then this series is tailored made for you.

The video series will captivate, fascinate, and educate both tourists and residents throughout the Grand Strand region.

The signature era of Myrtle Beach, which lasted from 1961 until the mid 1980s, will be featured in multiple segments of this historically accurate narrative.

Myrtle Beach The Brand

The Pilot House Motel 1960s

The series aims to encompass everything and provide full transparency, covering the area’s founding, the counter culture movement of 1960s America that featured muscle cars at the Myrtle Beach Pavilion, and the current thriving real estate housing market boom.

The video series encompasses the broader historical and changing national influences that shaped the brand’s identity. Included national narratives of the 60s peace and protest movement, the culture of the 1920s, early 1700’s influential planters in Georgetown, as well as, Conway influencers of the late 1800’s.

Myrtle Beach The Brand Series Video Preview

Myrtle Beach The Brand Series begins tomorrow morning, December 31st and will run into late January.

The Myrtle Beach Boardwalk 1960s

Readers and viewers will learn:

  • What led to a 90 year Myrtle Beach curse in 1952 as defined by historical Hebrew texts and who caused it.
  • How a Myrtle Beach truck delivery driver became the founder of the property management concept in town.
  • The Winston Salem to Myrtle Beach connection in creating Myrtle Beach as a Golf Tourism capital in America.
  • A New York power broker’s decision to winter in Pinehurst, NC, which led to the town’s top down early development including the Myrtle Beach Pavilion.
  • The pioneer European settlers in Conway, S.C. and Georgetown, S.C. What they did and how they were involved in founding the town.
  • How Myrtle Beach became a culturally top down micro managed town. How that culture continues to limit small business investment and development.
  • The trust fund babies born in Myrtle Beach in the 1950’s and 1960’s. Their impact on the town’s progress.
  • How the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution in Russia caused the beginnings of a Myrtle Beach Israeli merchant migration.
  • A pair of sisters who would bring about a spiritual disruption unmentionable in the Bible Belt Horry County South.

The Pavilion late 1950’s

Many of these stories have been told in fragmented, unrelated, and sanitized versions.

With the onset of 2025, its time to tell the whole narrative called Myrtle Beach The Brand, so the town can celebrate her past, overcome some previous beliefs, and move into the next generational era.

The Hucks family relocated to the present-day Horry County in 1767 from Surrey Virginia, where they landed in 1633. We believe MyrtleBeachSC News is the most competent source to narrate the entire Myrtle Beach The Brand account, as they witnessed the events firsthand as they occurred.

Local News Via - MyrtleBeachSC.com

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