Home Myrtle Beach News Voter registration numbers show Horry County under represented in S.C. State Government

Voter registration numbers show Horry County under represented in S.C. State Government

Voter registration numbers show a population explosion in Horry County. As we reported last week, UHAUL reports S.C. as the most moved to state in America in 2024.

Horry County in South Carolina has experienced the highest influx of residents. Within just five years, voter registration figures have surpassed the county’s total population recorded in 2020 in one particular district.

Most Moved To State in America is S.C.

Based on the number of delegates per voter aggregate, voter registration numbers show Horry County is now under represented in the S.C. Congress and S.C. Senate.

The state law explaining how to calculate deviation is outlined in the 3 charts below.

As of the latest census, an ideal Senate District should be 111,270 voters.

An ideal S.C. House District should be 41, 728.


S.C. Senate District 28 has a voter population of 95,888 individuals, indicating that nearly all eligible residents are potentially registered to vote. Nonetheless, it should be noted that not all residents have registered. In the event of accurate district analysis, it can be determined that 86% of all individuals residing in this district are registered voters.

S.C. Senator Greg Hembree represents District 28 in the North Myrtle Beach to Carolina Forest area.

Luke Rankin represents S.C. Senate District 33, which comprises 84,550 registered voters. It is important to note that not all residents in the district are registered to vote. To meet the desired criteria, 76% of all residents within Luke Rankin’s district would need to be registered to vote.


SC House District 104 is the most egregious district. The maximum census number of total residents should be 41,278.

Voter Registration Numbers in District 104, North Myrtle Beach area, represented by William Bailey, exceeds the maximum number of total residents, with a total of 42,122 individuals registered to vote. For this district to be deviated accurately 100.2% of all residents would be registered to vote.

To be deviated satisfactory, S.C House District 106 requires a voter registration rate of 91% among all its residents. What is the probability that the residents of District 106, which includes the Burgess, Market Common, Surfside Beach area represented by Val Guest, to have achieved this 91% registration rate?

Tim McGinnis is the representative for House District 56, which consists of 38,096 registered voters. To achieve accurate deviation in this district, it is required that 94% of the residents residing from Carolina Forest to Barefoot Resort are registered voters.

District 107‘s Representative Case Brittain has a total of 32,106 voters registered in his district. To ensure an accurate representation, it would require 77% of the residents in the Myrtle Beach area to be registered voters in this district.

Voter Registration numbers

Formula to deviate by census totals

Total Census resident numbers per district

Voter Registration Numbers provided by Horry County Voter Registration

Voter registration numbers by MyrtleBeachSC news

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