Home Real Estate News Comparing the Cost of Living: Myrtle Beach vs. Florida

Comparing the Cost of Living: Myrtle Beach vs. Florida


Are you contemplating a relocation to either Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, or the sunny state of Florida? If you’re caught between the enchantment of Myrtle Beach and the abundance of choices in Florida, you’re in good company. One of the key factors shaping your decision is undoubtedly the actual cost of living. Both destinations boast splendid weather, coastal allure, and an array of amenities, but which one offers a more budget-friendly lifestyle? Let’s delve into a comprehensive cost comparison to help you make an informed choice.

Analyzing the Numbers

Let’s juxtapose the actual cost of living in both locales:

Housing Costs:

  • Myrtle Beach: The median home price stands at $299,609, reflecting a 0.9% increase over the past year. Myrtle Beach provides affordable housing alternatives.
  • Florida: Cities like Orlando and Jacksonville witness median home prices of $375,176, indicating a 3.9% rise over the previous year. Upscale regions such as Miami and Naples command substantially higher rates.


  • Myrtle Beach: Utility expenses are moderate, encompassing essentials like electricity and water.
  • Florida: With scorching summers, Florida often translates to elevated utility bills, particularly for air conditioning.


  • Myrtle Beach: South Carolina levies a state income tax but boasts relatively low property taxes, ranking among the nation’s top 5 for lowest property taxes among full-time residents.
  • Florida: The absence of state income tax in Florida is offset by much higher property taxes, contingent on the county.


  • Myrtle Beach: Transportation costs are generally lower, with manageable gas prices and minimal tolls.
  • Florida: As a sprawling state, transportation expenses in Florida vary widely, with tolls and parking fees higher than in suburban hubs.


  • Myrtle Beach: Healthcare costs in Myrtle Beach align with the national average, with numerous top-notch medical facilities available.
  • Florida: An aging healthcare infrastructure may result in delays in access times. Florida offers quality services, albeit with variable costs based on location and insurance coverage.

Groceries and Other Expenses:

  • Myrtle Beach: Everyday expenses like groceries remain in line with national averages.
  • Florida: Similar to Myrtle Beach, Florida’s cost of living is influenced by factors such as location and lifestyle choices.

Insights from Real Residents

To gain genuine insights, it’s vital to access the experiences of individuals who have already taken the leap:

  • Myrtle Beach Area Homeowners: Most county residents commend the affordability of the area. They relish the coastal lifestyle, finding ample recreational activities, ambiance, and a vibrant community.
  • Florida Natives: While acknowledging Florida’s diverse appeal, some acknowledge the higher cost of living in certain regions, especially metropolitan areas.

Making an Informed Choice

When grappling with the question of affordability, consider these pointers:

  • Personal Finances: Your financial situation, income, savings, and potential job prospects can significantly influence your decision.
  • Lifestyle Preferences: Reflect on your lifestyle priorities and how well they align with each location’s offerings.
  • Long-Term Outlook: Look beyond immediate costs and contemplate the broader implications for future increases, your financial security, and quality of life.

Both Myrtle Beach and Florida present enticing options, each with its unique costs. Whether you opt for the serene shores of Myrtle Beach or the dynamic landscapes of Florida, may your choice be fulfilling and financially sustainable in your next chapter ahead.

Remember, while affordability matters, it’s just one aspect of the equation. Moving is a significant decision, but you’ve already navigated through major choices in life. This next journey should mark an exciting new chapter; we wish you every success!

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